Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Holiday fun!

Alice had a great Thanksgiving holiday in Maine. We were able to spend several days up there and she had a great time. She was obsessed with opening and shutting the doors to the kitchen and library which became a little tiresome for us, obviously not for her! Now that we are home and she doesn't have doors to open and close, she is shutting herself in the closet!! So funny.

Here are a few pictures from Thanksgiving. Alice was dressed up in a cute corduroy dress. She didn't seem to mind the shoes either. We had a great meal (of which Alice ate very little - however she did enjoy a huge piece of chocolate cake!!).

Over the weekend we stopped by Nini's and had a great visit. Alice loved the swing by the window and made Nini read her one of her favorite books several times! She also really loved the stairs to the kitchen!

Alice enjoyed hanging out with her cousins who are getting so big! Lauren was very tolerant of Alice and Ryan stealing toys from her. Alice and Ryan will definitely come to blows over Christmas...it's just a matter of time!

Alice wasn't quite sure what to make of the Christmas tree. She didn't really get the concept of leaving the ornaments up to hang. She thought they were put up, to then immediately take down. Thus, the bare bottom third of the tree.


  1. Oh my gosh, she's getting so big! And SO cute! Can't wait for Christmas!

  2. Love that corduroy dress! And that is too cute that she didn't quite grasp the concept of a Christmas tree. Love it. That last pic is adorable... xo
