Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Hi Everyone! Alice is enjoying being 8 months old (so hard to believe)! She has had an eventful month. She has her first tooth and is in the process of getting a second. We know this because we can see the teeth, but it's also effecting her sleep and mood!! I picked her up early from daycare yesterday because she was feeling very sensitive and wanted her mommy! Those teeth are nasty things when they are coming in!
Alice is continuing to grow and is now in 12 month clothes!! She is really getting heavy which I took definite note of as I held her for an hour long meeting yesterday. She loves to play with the balls in the picture above. They are just right for her size hands and big enough that we don't have to worry about them going into her mouth. There are four in total and it's really neat to watch her figure out that she needs to drop one in order to pick up another.
She loves her new striped sweater! Thank you Aunt Kristi!! We were surprised that it fit so well when we finally tried it on this weekend. That seems to be a common theme.
We had a great weekend with Grandpa Chris and Grandma Sue. Alice loved having her grandparents around to entertain her. She really showed off when it was time to have her bath on Saturday night. I think I was almost completely soaked through after all her splashing around. She certainly loves her bath time!
Alice has also started going to daycare 5 days a week which I was really dreading. She had a great time and I lived through it! In fact, she had so much fun that she didn't want to leave on Friday when I picked her up. The older girls were dancing to LaBamba and Alice starting jumping and laughing too! It was adorable!! She is so much fun!

This is our last weekend before the season starts. The next challenge awaits! Have a great week everyone!

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