Sunday, August 16, 2009

Another social engagement...

Yesterday, Alice and I ventured over to Guilford, CT for my friend Dalton's baby shower. Alice must be setting some kind of record for socializing (and traveling) at an early age - here's the running tally for Alice's young life: 1 wedding (VT), 2 bachelorettes (CT, MA), and 2 baby showers (MA, CT). That's a pretty impressive rap sheet if you ask me! And amazingly she has been on her best behavior at all 5 events. Reeves and I are a little worried we are creating a party animal!

We had a great time at Dalton's shower. The weather was beautiful and it's always a treat to visit the Cox's beautiful spot in Guilford. Alice was very pleased to meet another Alice (Dalton's sister) who was very helpful in taking care of little Alice all afternoon. Big Alice was even able to get a few smiles out of the little one!! A funny side note - Alice Cox's roommate this fall is named Patricia! We thought that must be a good sign.

Dalton looked great and we are now just anxiously awaiting the arrival of her little girl so that Alice can meet her new friend.

While I wasn't able to snap any pictures during the shower here are a few from this morning. Alice is all smiles in the morning - it's such a pleasant way to start the day (even if it is at 6am).
I think she knows how cute she is!
It's actually difficult to get Alice to smile
sometimes with the light from the flash
distracting her. Here is a failed attempt.

We are looking forward to catching up with our VT relatives next weekend.
Alice talking up a storm!

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