Tuesday, April 22, 2014

April iphone Pics!

Here is a quick update of the girls this past week.  Dana and Alice spent all day with me at Trinity on Good Friday.  They had a nice pre-Easter surprise with easter baskets from Diss!  Dana was in heaven - bubbles and jelly beans in one package!!  We spent a good portion of the day outside blowing bubbles and running around.  At practice time, Coach Alice took the team over and ran warm ups (a nice game of red light, green light) and then gathered everyone together to show them how to score on the ipad. She was reluctant to leave the team as she loved to "tell them what they need to do."  
 Tuckered out after spending a morning at Trinity with Mom.  Must have been sick day for this little one..
 Ice cream!  A treat last weekend after hitting up the library!

 Early Easter at Trinity courtesy of Diss!

 Coach Alice at work...
 Take note of the whistle...she blows it louder than a first time graduate assistant!
 Easter was great.  It was a beautiful day.  We spent several hours outside in both the morning and afternoon.  Nice to have a somewhat relaxing day at home.  Dana ate enough candy for a week... 

 Dana LOVES bubbles!  This is her in her happy place!
Afternoon picnic.  Alice allowed me to sit in a chair and still participate in the picnic.  It's a little too much to ask to get me all the way to the ground and then back up these days... 2 months until Thing 3 arrives!  Can't wait!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Spring Break!

 The girls had a great time with Grandma Sue and Grandpa Chris in Hilton Head over spring break this year.  The girls loved going to the beach, checking out the animals at the petting zoo and picking flowers.

 A little hug fest to cap of the week!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Janet visit!

We had a great weekend with cousin Janet!  Trinity had a bye weekend in lacrosse which meant we could actually entertain visitors!  We hit up the children's museum on Saturday and then went to a local farm on Sunday to pet the animals.  Here are some pics from the weekend!

 Alice loves going inside the big whale outside the museum!
 Coloring in the lizard room!

 Alice and Dana love racing the lego cars! 
 Janet was really good at posing in the shadow room!  She loved it.  Dana had a little different pose going on her...
 The girls loved learning about the lizard that the staff brought out to show kids.  Dana was the first to step up and pet it!

 Tinker toy interactive play station. Auntie Kristi had fun helping out with this one!
 Alice loved watching the globe float in the air.  She was not happy when we informed her it was time to go!
 Great to be getting use out of our playground again.  Janet loved it too, although there were some tears over who was getting the baby swing!  She and Dana are getting better but I would say it's a little of a love-hate relationship!

 Janet sure knows how to pose for the camera!
 Janet finally agreed (or her mother did for her) that she would join Dana on the two person swing.  She didn't love it but Dana was very pleased!
 Sunday morning at Flamig Farm!  We had a blast feeding all the animals.  It was finally a nice day to be outside!

 Alice next to one of the donkeys.  Dana was very uneasy around the really loud animals, especially the sheep!

 Alice had no fear when it came to petting the animals.
 That being said, I can't believe she enjoyed feeding this snout! Holy moly...800 lbs.
 Not one giant pig but TWO!
 Gorgeous day.
 Janet was also growing tired of how loud some of the animals were!
 Tried for a group photo but this was the best they offered me.  
 And that's a wrap!
We finished the weekend off by going swimming at Trinity on Sunday afternoon.  I had practice right afterwards so the girls had a chance to say hi to Diss and Steph!  They love their Trinity buddies!