Thursday, October 24, 2013

Car time

Since I rely on this blog site as my record of Alice and Dana's milestone's, I thought I would include a bit about our recent car experiences.  The girls have already begun bickering in the car.  It ranges from what song we listen to, to who is allowed to sing, to the level of volume, etc.  It goes on and on and on.  One funny interaction happens with some frequency though and often stalemates the conversation.  Dana loves to tell people to stop singing, "stup singin' mommy, stup singin'." And, because I prefer silence over complaining, I generally comply with Dana's semi-insolent request.  But, Alice has proven to be much less tolerant and surprisingly more creative in her attempt to derail Dana's demands.  When Dana asks (or tells) Alice to "stup singin, Ali," Alice simply says, "I can't. It's the speaker inside me." And then repeats this. Truthfully, neither Dana, nor I, know exactly how to respond.  I get a chuckle out of it every time. She proclaims it in such a practical manner, void of the typical contempt or impatience that accompanies her usual responses to Dana.  This statement is pure fact: "It's the speaker inside me." I love it.

If only they slept in the car all the time...

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Fall update

 Beautiful fall in CT. Had a nice walk around the pond in our back yard.  Love this time of year!

 Doing Auntie Anne's nails!

 Dana's turn!
 Bushnell Carousel!
 Hold on tight!

 Hanging out at Trin while Alice had her swim lesson!  What a crazy girl this is!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Pumpkin Picking!

I guarantee you this is not a "I'm having a great time" smile, rather a "I'm so glad we're leaving" one! Such a good sport!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Foster Farm and Children's Museum

 Funny pic of the girls showering after Alice's swimming lessons!
 Alice and some of her buds at Foster Farm for a class field trip. We had great weather for this visit!  We went on a hayride which Alice's friend Claire described as 'peaceful and relaxing' and then the kids had a quick snack before looking at the farm animals.  After checking out the sheep and chickens the kids were ready to blow off some steam and play.  They had a great time and I enjoyed a break from my Thursday morning golf class!
 Alice and her good friend Josie!
 Alice and Claire!
 Snack time!
 Listening to stories of pumpkins.
 School picture of the blue and orange room!  This was not an easy picture to get!

 Alice picking out a pumpkin to take home!
 Rainy day in Hartford made for the perfect excuse to check out the Children's Museum which is right next to Kingswood. I had to endure looking at lizards, snakes and spiders! But, the girls had a great time.  Alice's favorite animal was the barred owl and Dana enjoyed the rabbits that we saw.  It was a neat place and definitely a great place to share with visiting cousins!

 Lego Land!

 Hanging with Auntie Mish!

Thanks to Auntie Mish for hanging with us!  We had the best time!