Alice had a great time this weekend! The fun all began on Friday afternoon when she had a lunch date with Ryan McPhee. We met up with Julia and Ryan at First and Last so that the two love birds could spend some more time together. Alice doesn't quite know what dating is all about as she slept for most of the date. She did perk up a little towards the end and flashed a few cute smiles Ryan's way!

Just a few hours later we greeted our guests for the evening. We were lucky enough to host both Grandma Ali and Grandma Net along with Cooper, Isabel, Jenn and Grandma Carolyn. Alice was SO excited! While she didn't totally perk up until the following day she did have fun playing with her Aunt Jenn and her two cousins.
Saturday morning we were all up bright and early getting ready to head down to Rockaway for cousin Eva's christening. Alice was in great spirits from the start of the day, enjoying some early morning time with her great grandmothers. By the time we were able to organize the troops it was 8:30, which gave us an 11am arrival in Rockaway.

Awaiting us in Rockaway was Uncle Chan, Aunt Karen, Eva, Aunt Kristi and Uncle Peter! We

had a warm welcome from the Mullens and quickly readied the little ones for a walk since it was such a beautiful day. With Cooper, Alice and Isabel in tow we went for a very pleasant walk to the local deli and pastry shop. When we returned from our walk Grandpa Ken and Uncle Josh had arrived! Alice was in heaven with so much family around to entertain her.
Alice in her hat from fellow math teacher, Casey!
Alice wearing her monogrammed overalls from Missy Foote!
Eva's christening was just beautiful. Eva looked like a little angel! Alice and I were having such a good time at Eva's party that we extended our departure time by an hour but finally had to hit the road around 4:30pm. We arrived home and had dinner with Dad!
Alice and the Trinity Bantam!
Ryan with his Dad, Andy!

Sunday was awesome! The weather could not have been nicer. We had a wonderful walk in the morning and then Alice and I headed into Trinity to cheer on the field hockey team in the conference championship game! While we were excited to see the game

we also enjoyed the socializing as we ran into Cam Cataruzolo and Ryan McPhee with both of their parents. We snapped some great pictures of the little ones and the Trinity Bantam even posed for a few pictures with the baby bants! While Trinity didn't come out on top, it was a well played game and very exciting for the spectators.
Cam with his Dad, Dave!
Al tuckered girl after all the fun and excitement!
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