Good Morning! Alice and I are enjoying our one day at home this week! I'm having some coffee and Alice is rolling all over the place! She rolled from tummy to back last week for the first time but it seemed like a fluke so there wasn't much cause for reporting. Well, I take it back...she knows just what she's doing and has already rolled from tummy to back 3 times today! I actually caught the last one on film so I'll try to upload that later today. Very exciting. With her new giggling she's really reaching some exciting benchmarks these days!

We had a wonderful visit from Grandma Sue this weekend. Sue took over our curtain project for the sunroom and delivered the first installment this weekend. They are spectacular! I snapped a few photos during the installation process. We are so excited about these curtains. We had been talking about doing them ourselves for quite some time and then Sue had the good sense to take them out of our hands if there was any hope of them getting done correctly! They are just perfect and we are so grateful!

Alice has been quite the sports fan these days. She's been to nearly all of her father's home games and recently saw the field hockey team play two games on Friday and Sunday. She met her friend Cam Cataruzolo who is just 2 weeks older than her! We are hoping for some more play dates in the future for these two! With the weather getting more chilly, her pink patagonia suit from Uncle Chan and Aunt Karen has been very handy!

Alice and I are really looking forward to having a few visitors on Friday night and then traveling to Rockaway for Eva's christening on Saturday. Should be a great weekend of family fun!
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