We'll it has been a difficult few days for the residents of 58 Canton Road (and for one unlucky visitor - sorry, Sue!). Alice got sick on Saturday and was pretty out of commission all day, preferring to sleep over any other activity. She never really spiked a fever but she was quite pale and clearly not her usual cheery self. While we thought that watching your child be sick was the worst possible thing ever, Sunday turned out to be much worse, when both Reeves and I got sick with the stomach bug at the very same time. Taking care of Alice when we both could barely sit up was one of the hardest things we've had to do. Thankfully, it was just a 24 hour affliction and we were on the mend by Monday. We are all feeling back to normal, finally. Now here's to hoping we don't get hit by the H1N1 later this winter!

In more upbeat news. Alice is starting to use her big bouncy seat on a daily basis. This makes us feel like she is really growing (even though her feet still can't reach the ground - we have to use books to prop her up!). She can spend as much as half an hour in the bouncy, totally content and engaged. It is so neat to watch her process the different gadgets and realize that she can make them move and make sounds and lights come on. She is becoming more and more demanding in terms of how we entertain her, so this is a great new item in the rotation. It gives us a nice break!

Alice is also becoming more "grabby," using her hands to experiment with her surroundings. For the first time a few days ago she actually grabbed a hold of my hair when I picked her up. And now when she's on her play mat she grabs and latches onto the one toy that is within her reach. We are excited to see these developments!
Alice's pumpkin from Grandpa Ken!
Alice missed daycare on Monday since we were still recovering from the stomach bug and will actually miss the entire week, because we are headed to the vineyard tomorrow for Leah's wedding. Alice and I are traveling with my friend Dana and meeting my Mom at the Ferry on Thursday afternoon. Alice will get a nice night with her grandmother while I attend wedding activities and Reeves and my Dad will join us on Friday night for the rest of the weekend. We are excited to introduce Alice to many of my college friends and her grandparents are really excited to be her babysitter for the weekend. Should be lots of fun!

Hope you enjoy the pictures!
glad to hear everyone is feeling better.