Well it's a been whole week since we posted anything about Alice so I thought it was time to get some more pictures up. As you can see, her hair continues to thin as it falls out. She has a ring of baldness around her head which is especially prominent in the back. She sports it well though, getting cuter every day!
We had our two transition days at day care this week. The first day we both stayed and got to know Alice's teacher Lisa and her playmates, Ray and Liam. (A side note: Ray has more hair than I do! He has an incredible mop of hair on his head, making me even more nostalgic for Alice's departing locks!) Alice had a fine time during her first visit. She

slept for about half the time we were there and was only a little bit fussy when her mother wasn't holding her but seemed to get over it quickly. The next day, I left her by herself for a couple hours and she seemed to do quite well. She was a little fussy again when I left but calmed quickly and enjoyed meeting the other two older girls who were playing house. She is taking her bottle easily which is making this daycare transition SO much easier. So far so good. Her first full day is Monday. We'll let you know how that goes!
Alice loves her fleece vest for the cool fall temperatures. Thanks Weezie and Frank!

Alice was really excited to meet the lacrosse team on Friday afternoon. She was full of smiles and then exercised her vocal chords a little bit for her audience. She quickly fell asleep after her display!
Alice continues to impress us with her generally content and happy disposition. She is becoming easier to have with me on the go and seems to really like observing new surroundings and new people. We are looking forward to an exciting fall season as she continues to grow!
(If you look closely Alice might be giving the camera the finger! Where did she learn that from? Dad??!! Grandma Sue??!!)
I didn't think she could get cuter, but she does! I LOVE her big eyes and beautiful eyelashes! Can't wait to see you guys next weekend!