We'll we've made progress on our projects around the house. Reeves has done an amazing job laying the floor in the basement. We are actually nearing the home stretch with just the trim left to paint and install.
Alice has been very fun these days. She's very talkative and actually makes some sense some of the time! She goes in on Monday for a check up to make sure her leg is healing properly.

Alice loves play dough!

Hanging with Dad!

Playing 'row row row your boat' with her passengers Monkey and Mickey!

Checking out her new flower wall decals. We just have to install her window blinds and then she is ready for her new room. I'm not sure we are ready for this transition...we like sleeping...

Alice is really excited about the new floor in the basement. She'll be even more thrilled when all of her toys join her! We are also looking forward to moving LOTS of the toys downstairs!!
We are looking forward to heading to VT on Thursday for Casey and Marc's wedding! Alice is thrilled to hang with all of her cousins!
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