We had a great weekend. Kristi came up to visit from Philly which was so great. Alice warmed up to her quickly and they had lots of fun hang time! Alice is continuing to work on her words. She really likes "NO" but we are trying to encourage an equal amount of "YES." She also likes to say "oh no" and "uh oh" and other funny things. She has added "up" and "down" to her list of words but what's really exciting is her comprehension. She really seems to understand what I'm saying when I say "It's time for a bath"or "it's time to go outside." When it's bath time, she finds her towel and drags it to the bottom of the stairs. When it's time to go outside she reaches for my hand and walks me to the door. It's the cutest. Here are some recent pics!

Alice enjoyed playing with our weekend visitor!

Our first attempt at a pony tail!!

Enjoying some free time with Daddy!
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