Thursday, October 28, 2010

Weekend Visitors!

Alice had a great weekend with her Maine grandparents! We had fairly good weather so we were able to go for nice walks both Saturday and Sunday. Alice was great. She loves walking on the trails on her own and gets a little side tracked checking out the acorns!

She's had a good week at daycare. She continues to get good daily reports, but I'm pretty sure they don't ever send bad ones! Either way she seems happy to be dropped off in the morning and happy when I pick her up so things must be going well! The latest development is her desire to climb anything and everything. We are on our toes trying to keep her from a major tumble!!

Alice loves to hold hands while walking...most of the time! She is cute about reaching for your hand when she wants it. Once she grabs a hold, she has a pretty good grip!

Showing Grandma Sue one of her favorite toys. She's really into her toys these days. Her attention span continues to impress me!

I forced everyone into this shot!! While I didn't get full cooperation from Alice, it's still really cute!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

We had a great weekend. Kristi came up to visit from Philly which was so great. Alice warmed up to her quickly and they had lots of fun hang time! Alice is continuing to work on her words. She really likes "NO" but we are trying to encourage an equal amount of "YES." She also likes to say "oh no" and "uh oh" and other funny things. She has added "up" and "down" to her list of words but what's really exciting is her comprehension. She really seems to understand what I'm saying when I say "It's time for a bath"or "it's time to go outside." When it's bath time, she finds her towel and drags it to the bottom of the stairs. When it's time to go outside she reaches for my hand and walks me to the door. It's the cutest. Here are some recent pics!

Alice enjoyed playing with our weekend visitor!

Our first attempt at a pony tail!!

Enjoying some free time with Daddy!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

Grandma Carolyn came down for Sunday and Monday which was awesome. Reeves and I both had Monday off so we kept Alice home from daycare and enjoyed a long weekend. It was a gorgeous fall weekend in CT! We took full advantage and went to the local pumpkin patch on Sunday. So many many people! But the free hayride was great! Alice didn't show much interest in the pumpkins but it gave us a chance to walk around outside and enjoy the beautiful weather.

We played outside while Reeves raked some leaves. Alice liked kicking the leaves while walking but was less enthusiastic when the leaves were piled high. She is pretty funny. She loves to walk outside but also likes to take off for the road any chance she gets. We are going to really have to watch this one! In between her trying to make a run for it, we had a pretty good time outside!! She played with some pine cones and got sticky fingers!

Making a run for it before Reeves caught up!

Lastly, Alice is finally a Kookaburra (that's the name of her new room)! She has successfully (well, that depends on your definition) transitioned to the toddler room. While she was in tragic tears this morning when I dropped her off, she does seem to enjoy this new setting when she gets settled in. Today is her first full day there. I'll let you know how it goes.

One more thing...I know I told many of you how I was worried about Alice's lack of words. Well, she has several now! She says "Hi," "Yay"(with clapping) "Agua" (our lovely multicultural daycare can take credit for that!) and "All Done" (while signing). She also can say her name which is really sweet. She is also really expressing herself. Just this morning, when she clearly didn't want to be dropped off at school, she took my hand and guided me to the coat rack, basically telling me, "get my stuff and let's go!" Very funny girl!