The first cupcake (BEFORE...)
On Alice's REAL birthday we were excited to drop her off at daycare so she could celebrate with her buddies at Trinity. That was not to be, as we discovered the night before her bday that she had spiked a fever. After being under the weather for her birthday, we visited the doctor the following day for her 1 year check up. We then discovered, not only did she have a fever, she had a mild case of croup and a bad ear infection in her left ear. YIKES! For a girl who hadn't been sick much in the first year of her life, she sure made up for it!
The real birthday (she wouldn't even eat her cupcake!)
Check out those shades! Thanks Rob and Joanne!
Alice couldn't go to daycare at all last week but is happy to be back today. She is now on a two day/week schedule, going on Tuesday and Thursdays. I'm loving the extra time with Alice, although a week straight with no daycare and a sick girl was a little exhausting!
Birthday present from Michelle. Her very own cell phone!
She LOVES it!
All is well (at last!). Reeves wraps up with school this week. We are excited for summer!
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