Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Fall Happenings

 We took a little hiatus from our blog updates but I'm finding some quiet time during Dana's nap to give a brief report.  We just returned from Dana's allergy appointment.  Confirmed: she has a peanut allergy.  We just filled a prescription for 4 epipens - 2 for home and 2 for daycare.  They cautioned me that this is a peanut allergy but could become a tree nut allergy so we should avoid those nuts as well.  They also warned that the allergy reaction could get worse over time (or perhaps she could grow out of it, but that's more unlikely). We are waiting to see if she develops asthma since it is common for kids with allergies to have asthma as well. So we'll see.  But certainly good to know the allergy is for real and now we have all the information we need to deal with it. 
 On a different note, we have been having a great fall. We have seen Gumma quite a bit as she has driven down for short visits to help out when I have to stay late for field hockey games.  The kiddos love this surprise pick up from school and enjoy having all that comes with Gumma (cupcakes, clothes, treats, etc.)!  Here are a few pics from a short visit when Kristi and Janet joined us as well.  Love this pic of Gumma with Dana and Janet.  Reminds me of pictures we've seen of Mom holding me and Kristi when we were that age. 

 And at last Reeves was able to join us for our annual trip to the Pickin' Patch.  This is the third year we have gone pumpkin hunting and the first year we've had Dad come along - it was very exciting!  We were a little late to get out there so the fields had been fairly picked over, but we found some decent ones (or Alice did).  In typical Alice fashion, she found a small one for Dana and a bigger one for herself.  Dana was more interested in poking through the mud so we tried to keep it somewhat brief!  It was fun and they seemed to enjoy the hay ride!

While it's hard to believe that October is almost over, we are looking forward to the winter season as it is a slower time of year for us with no Saturday games to juggle.  We are especially looking forward to getting up to Vermont next weekend for Momere's 100th birthday celebration. How incredible is that?!

But before we get to VT, we have Halloween to prepare for.  This is the first year that Alice has expressed interest.  In September informed us all that she will be a Princess, Daddy will be a King, Mommy will be a Queen and Dana will be a flower.  How nice of her to grant Dana flower status.  I think I might upgrade Dana to something a little more exciting, but we will certainly grant Alice her wish of being a princess.  In fact, Gumma has already supplied the outfit, so we are good to go!  It should be a fun holiday for us this year!

Wishing everyone the best.  We miss you all!