Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Cousin Fun!

We had lots of cousin fun this weekend when Ryan and Lauren came to visit!  They were troopers - they came all the way from Maine to sit through a Trinity lacrosse game and spend the night at our house.  Alice loved having her cousins hang out.  It provided lots of excitement in the driveway on Sunday morning as we had Ryan going back and forth between about 3 different sports and Lauren and Alice splitting time on the tricycle. 

 Alice's hair after missing a bath or two due to a very busy week!!  That's a pretty ratty head of hair!
 Relaxin' with Dad - probably watching Bambi!
 Dana loves peas!

 Alice is smiling for the camera with her new head band on from Remer!  THANKS REMER!
 Feeling pretty special...
 This week is theme week at school.  This is my attempt to be a good mom and actually follow the theme of the day. As you might guess - this was crazy hair day!
 Alice loved having braids!  She keeping swinging her head to feel the braids flip.  She even requested them this morning.  I denied her request.  Not a good mom.
 Dana wanted in on the crazy hair day fun. She loved it!
My sweet little girl gave us a big present this morning when she slept until 7am!  She has consistently been waking up between 5 and 5:30 for the last several weeks.  She really capped things off yesterday when she woke up at 4:30 - that's right 4:30AM!!  As you can imagine, I nearly wept with joy when I woke up on my OWN this morning at 6:30am.  Hoping this is a sign of things to come!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Spring update

Here are a few pictures from the last few days.  It's been a busy couple of weeks but we've had a lot of developments.  Alice had enjoyed riding her bike around the house.  She's getting very good at it some by the summer time I think she'll be ready to take out the neighborhood roads!  
Another first, was Alice's first bus ride with the team.  I didn't think I would subject her to this for awhile but knowing Reeves would have his hands full with Dana, we thought we'd give it a try.  Alice was outstanding.  We read books and watched Mickey episodes and it was nearly a success until she stopped two feet short of exiting the bus and got sick all over the stairs!!  Poor girl - but she was a real trooper!
Dana has been great.  We've finally gotten her on a three meal a day/three bottles a day routine.  She's doing well with new foods (loves squash).  The foods she doesn't love, she is tolerating when mixed with rice cereal so she's at least getting some exposure.  Really hoping that she's a better eater than her big sis! Dana is also sitting up on her own!  A big feat for her - her busy parents really like her growing independence!

 Bagel and shades on the bus!  Pretty stylin'!
 Loving the opportunity to watch her fill of Mickey episodes!
 Reading Disney stories with Shannon!

 Dana busy rolling and scooting around on the floor! You never know where she'll end up!
 Goofy Alice!
 Crazy tongue!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Weekend

 Team dinner at Mather.  Alice was talking about it all day and very excited about the Easter cupcake she was allowed to eat.  It ended up everywhere, which was an indication of how much she enjoyed it!
 Dana hanging with Kathleen and wearing her bib from Mal.  She loves the team!
 Alice found some summer hats that I washed for Dana.  She was happy to put this on and run all over the house.  I wanted to snap a few pics to capture her Gilligan look!
 This is just another version of Alice saying "CHEESE" for the camera!
 Dana loved her Easter bunny.  She played happily with it all morning - this shot was taken circa 5:15am.  It was an early Easter morning for Mommy and Dana!
 By "loving" her Easter bunny I mean, "eating" her Easter bunny!
 This is the position that Dana quickly finds when I prop her up in the sitting position with the boppy.  She really prefers to be on her tummy right now.  She is finding that she can scooch along the floor quite effectively!
 Easter breakfast!  We loved having Janet and Aunt Kristi at our house for Easter! Janet was a real trooper as she was not feeling 100%!
 Yum yum, pancakes are good!
 Yes, that's Dana shuffling her way under the TV stand.  She is covering quite a bit of ground these days.  Not sure crawling is right around the corner, but it is fun to see her explore!
 Happy Dana!
 I thought I should try to give Alice a different look for school one day.  I tried giving her a pony tail, but obviously it looked terrible by the time we actually made it to school.  Think I'll stick to keeping things simple on the hair front!
Our sleeping muffin.  Love those cheeks!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Spring update!

Hello, all! Here are some pics from our walk this weekend. Alice loved taking her binoculars out and looking for animals. All we usually run into are dogs, but that is pretty exciting for her too! Dana was pumped for some fresh air and a ride on Daddy's back!

Alice showing off the stick she picked up. She had quite a fun time throwing sticks into a puddle. I will post the video shortly!
Dana had her 6 month check up last week. She is doing great! She's 18lbs 7oz and that puts her in the 90% for weight, 90% for height and 75% for had circumference. She is healthy and doing well with the introduction of solid foods. So far rice cereal and squash are big hits with her. We also have started offering her a sippy cup of water with her meals. So it's been an exciting time for little Dana!
Dana goes to the eye doctor tomorrow to check out her watery left eye. I'm hoping it's a quick fix and nothing to worry about. We'll keep you posted!
Love that big smile! She's pretty cute when she's happy - which is only some of the time these days. The teething is pretty tough for this one. She's having a much more difficult time than Alice did. We just purchased some orajel for home and school. Let's hope it does the trick and that this is a short lived discomfort!Tea time with Alice and Dana! Not sure if this is a result of Alice's new obsession with Mary Poppins and the tea time scene described in her book. Either way, thought this was pretty cute! Especially when Alice started pouring tea into Dana's cup! What a good big sister!
Tea time turned into tackle time. Alice protested at first but then we convinced her that Dana was just trying to give her a big hug and she warmed up to having her sister crawl all over her! Dana is still a little too young to actually 'play' with Alice so watching this kind of interaction was fun for me! Looking forward to lots of entertaining sister moments ahead!
"There's a banana in my ear!" Someone has been playing too much with the Elmo App on Mommy's ipad!!!