Well, we are back from a wonderful holiday break. We ventured to VT first for a great Leggett family christmas and then we headed to ME for the real thing. It was such an enjoyable trip that I have very few pictures to show for it! So here are some from the last couple of days at home.
Dana is happy to be back - her fussiness has really eased up in the last 24 hours and we hope this is a permanent change. She was a handful on the road, finding it difficult to establish a routine. But she did give us a couple nights where she slept all the way through (one being christmas eve which was quite a nice present!). Today we finally put her in the bumbo seat and she loves it! I am excited for this new hang out chair as it may allow me some more hands free time! She has never been a big fan of the bouncy seat so hopefully the bumbo is the answer.

Dana is set to start daycare next week. I can't believe that we are already to this point. I was ready and excited to start this transition when I thought Dana would be going to school two days/week for the month of january and then full time in feb. But as it turns out her full time spot opens up at the beginning of the month so she may be in school 4 days/week starting right away. I was excited for some free time, but 4 days/week away from my little munchkin is more than I think I was ready for. So I anticipate it to be bit of a difficult month but hopefully she will like school and her teachers. And going to school several days in a row, as opposed to just twice a week, may actually help her transition go more smoothly. We'll keep you posted.

Alice loved christmas. What I loved most about her enjoyment of christmas was her interest in the books and music of the holiday season. She loved singing jingle bells, rudolph, frosty, silent night, holly jolly christmas, (the list goes on...) and well, you all know how much she loved reading "the night before christmas"! she is still figuring out santa and this whole presents thing but she did LOVE her thomas trains that santa brought her. the first night we were back in CT she cried on the way up to bed saying, "i want to stay up and play with my train set." so we think we must have done ok on the gift front.
Observing Grandpa Chris mount his butterflies!
Using her sister's bumbo. we tried to tell her she was too big for it...So 2011 is coming to a close and we are still catching our breath. From NESCAC championships, to chemo treatments, to the birth of four beautiful baby girls, it has truly been a roller coaster ride of a year. We are happy to close the book on 2011 and we're excited to see what 2012 has in store. More than anything we are feeling grateful for the health of our family and friends as we head into the new year. Cheers!