Monday, October 24, 2011
Fall Weekend
We had a GREAT fall weekend. It started off with Dana's first bath on Friday afternoon. As you can see, she didn't love it! It was pretty short lived but I was happy to get her in the tub. We just had another one today and she tolerated it much better!

Saturday morning I took the girls into Trinity to watch the field hockey game. The team played a great game against Bowdoin and we were excited to see all of our Trinity friends. The first person we ran into was the Trinity Bantam! I was so hoping to get a picture of Alice with him but she was too shy to stand alone with the Bantam. Too bad... We had a great time catching up with all the Trinity folks. After a brief hello at the tailgate, we headed over to Kingswood for Reeves' soccer game. Alice was running low on rest at this point and challenged my ability to chase her onto the field hockey field while carrying a sleeping Dana in the baby bjorn! What a little rascal...
Sunday morning we had fun sister time. Alice was excited to hold her baby Dana. As you can see from the second sister photo, Dana was less excited by this bonding moment!

After a leisurely morning, I took the girls out to the Pickin' Patch to find Alice a pumpkin. She was pretty excited about this and claimed that we weren't going to get just one pumpkin, we needed to find "two pumpkins." Unfortunately, this place was hit pretty hard by Irene and all their pumpkins were wiped out. So instead of walking through rows on pumpkins on the vine, the owners put down a patch of hay and laid down a bunch of imported pumpkins to try to simulate the pumpkin picking experience. It was a little sad, but still a fun activity. Alice enjoyed the hayride and we did a find a decent pumpkin for her. She found a lot of pumpkins that were "too big" or "too cold" to bring home.

Friday, October 21, 2011
Happy Friday!
Another week in the books for little Dana! It's been a good week for her. She continues to get up only really once during the night, which is incredible. Her unpredictable stretch begins around the dinner hour - basically just when Reeves gets home. While this is definitely a tough stretch for her, you can usually console her by walking around the house (apparently this one likes to be on the move!). By 10pm she's ready to go down for the night, which is pretty great!
Alice continues to love being a big sister. She gives Dana a kiss every night before bedtime and even sings about her! I heard her singing Dana's name the other night as she sang herself to sleep. It was very cute! Alice's big news is that she is in the process of potty training. She does very well at school, but hasn't achieved the same routine (or success) yet at home. We are only at the beginning of this process but she's doing very well so far!
Here's the little munchkin on our walk from yesterday. It's been great weather to be outside - sunny and cool. Looking forward to more of the same this weekend.
Alice continues to love being a big sister. She gives Dana a kiss every night before bedtime and even sings about her! I heard her singing Dana's name the other night as she sang herself to sleep. It was very cute! Alice's big news is that she is in the process of potty training. She does very well at school, but hasn't achieved the same routine (or success) yet at home. We are only at the beginning of this process but she's doing very well so far!
Here's the little munchkin on our walk from yesterday. It's been great weather to be outside - sunny and cool. Looking forward to more of the same this weekend.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
To be a little sister...
Friday, October 14, 2011
Play time
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Long Weekend
We had a great long weekend. Reeves didn't have a soccer game on Saturday so we were able to scoot up to VT to visit Gumma, Gogo and the Quinns. It was a little bittersweet because we were missing Will and Jane's wedding in NJ but we thought a quiet weekend in VT was a better scene for little Dana and thought Alice would be good company for her grandparents. We had lots of fun playing outside at the playground and playing inside with Gogo's ipad! It is scary how much the kids are obsessed with (and can actually use) the ipad.
Alice sported one of her new bows from Gumma this weekend. We even got a compliment when we were out shopping!
Alice showing me that I'm holding up two fingers behind the camera. A failed attempt to have her smile for the camera...
Snack time at the playground with the Quinns and Gogo! (notice who's holding up two fingers over her head in similar fashion to the picture above! I clearly need a new strategy to have her look at the camera!)
Alice and Gumma getting some quality reading time in. I think they were on the sixth straight reading of Sleeping Beauty at this point...
We had a nice visit with Momere before we headed back to CT. Alice was great - she was super smiley and gave Momere lots of hugs and kisses!
Dana meeting Momere for the first time!!

Alice sported one of her new bows from Gumma this weekend. We even got a compliment when we were out shopping!
Friday, October 7, 2011
Girls Day Home
Happy Friday, everyone! We are enjoying a nice morning at home. Alice is actually here with us since she has a cough that left her a little sleep deprived and not prime for daycare participation today! This will be my first day home alone with both girls so it could be interesting... So far we are off to a good start and have lots of errands to keep us busy!
Dana continues to be awesome! She had a check up on Wednesday and had already gained a pound since leaving the hospital. Sue and I weren't at all surprised as we both thought Dana was noticeably bigger, filling out her clothes much more so than when we brought her home. Below is one outfits given to Dana by her Dad's soccer team. It's really cute and was surprisingly a good fit at the 3month size!
Alice has been really, really amazing with Dana. She is attentive to her, but not overly. She seems to have a very healthy interest without needing to be overly involved in interacting with her little sis. Below she decided she wanted to read to Dana. She was very pleased with herself for pulling the chair over and plopping down next to Dana.
Dana is sporting another outfit from the Kingswood soccer team below. It's a great fuzzy one piece that Dana has gotten a ton of use out of already. We didn't ask her if she likes the bows but she's so laid back we think she's fine with it!
Is that a smile?? Hoping there are lots more of these to come!
Dana's first non-one piece outfit! We had to hunt around to find Dana some hand me downs that fit her but we did have success. She looked very cute for her first visit to Ferris Athletic Center where she was able to cuddle with Auntie Anne some more and met some new friends in the front office.
Dana continues to be awesome! She had a check up on Wednesday and had already gained a pound since leaving the hospital. Sue and I weren't at all surprised as we both thought Dana was noticeably bigger, filling out her clothes much more so than when we brought her home. Below is one outfits given to Dana by her Dad's soccer team. It's really cute and was surprisingly a good fit at the 3month size!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011
We had a nice Monday at home with a quiet morning and then fun afternoon visitors! Reeves took Alice in to daycare early in the morning and Sue and I spent the rest of the AM with Dana. She continues to sleep the day away but is slowly becoming more and more alert.
Anne was nice enough to bring over lunch and hang out for a bit of the afternoon. Considering Anne barely has a day off this time of year, we were really excited she wanted to spend her down time with us! She and Dana are becoming fast friends as Dana was quite happy to cuddle with her Auntie Anne!
Later in the day, big Dana stopped by to meet little Dana. Little Dana was very sleepy at this point, so Chapes got a good solid snuggle from her little buddy. The two Danas make quite a pair!
Today has been pretty low key too. We are looking forward to tomorrow when the weather improves and we can go for a walk outside! We are also excited to go see Reeves' soccer game on Thursday. It will be my first test of keeping track of Alice while having Dana in tow. I'm hoping Alice behaves!
These are just a few pictures from our visitors last week. It was quite a monumental week for our family!

Sunday, October 2, 2011
Dana's First Week
Dana's first week at home has been a good one. She is just about the easiest baby (we'll see how long this lasts but we are loving it right now!). We have had lots of hands on deck to help us transition to a household of four. Sue has been here for over a week now and we certainly would not be as well rested or as well fed without her! Alice has been loving all the visitors as well. She has been spoiled with lots of quality time with Grandma Sue, Grandpa Chris and Gumma and Gogo and even Auntie Kristi! She is also finding out that with babies come lots of gifts and everything that arrives she claims as "mine." We are working on her sharing... But so far, so good! We couldn't be happier!
The picture below was taken on Dana's first morning at home. Alice was getting ready for school when all of a sudden we hear her say "I did it." Not knowing what she was so pleased with, we went into the living room to find that she had hunted down a pacifier for Dana (it was hidden away on the dining room table) and placed it right next to her! It was very cute and quite impressive!
Alice has been a very good sister to Dana but she certainly is testing the limits of what she's allowed to do with Dana. She is generally very gentle holding Dana but showed she can be pretty rough with her too (some squeezing and then a quick hit to the head - yikes!). Reeves and Alice had to have a very serious chat about how we treat Dana. Alice did not enjoy this!
This morning we had our first walk with Dana! It was a beautiful morning and it was a fun but pokey walk as Alice insisted on pushing her sister nearly the whole the way!
Today Dana tested out her new swing from Gumma as both Janet and Emma seem to love their swings. I think we found another fan in Dana. Looks like we are going to get a lot of mileage out of this one.
Dana has been incredible so far. She is a sleepy, sleepy girl, but so laid back for those brief moments when she is awake. She barely made a sound last night. She chirped just enough for her mother to know it was time to feed and then she peacefully went back to sleep. We are only now having an appreciation for the fact that Alice may not have been a very easy baby!
That's the update for now! Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

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