So we had our first and only vacation of the summer over the past week. We finally had the opportunity to stay away from home for more than a long weekend and we took full advantage! We kicked things off with a visit from the Quinns and then returned to VT for Jody and Kyle's wedding weekend. The wedding was incredible! We were happy to have a few down days in VT before then heading up to Maine for a little less than a week. We had a nice evening in Brunswick before heading out to the island to spend a couple of nights with Nick, Katie, Lauren and Ryan. Alice loved having her cousins to hold hands with and chase around the house! Lauren definitely gave Alice a run for her money in the speed department. I'm not sure Alice ever caught up with Lauren's speedy little gait. All in all we had a terrific vacation!

Bedtime reading in Alice's room. We had a fun cousin sleepover in CT!

Sharing Grandma Net's chair. This was our last night in VT after a very fun visit with lots of cousin and family time!

More cousin bedtime reading!

Headed out to the island for the 1st time this summer!

Go Sox!

I love Maine!

One of the few pictures of me that I allowed... Notice we stay strictly above the shoulders.

Post nap snuggle with Grandma Sue

Fun with Dad in the water!
We can hardly believe that our school year activities start up tomorrow! As summer winds down we are bummed to see our vacation end but so excited for what awaits us... We start the 5 week countdown for baby #2 this week!