Some good news from us is that we have found an AWESOME babysitter for Alice on the nights that she has to stay at Trinity and wait for me to finish practice. Her babysitter is named Ali, so it's super easy for her to say, and after only a couple meetings, it's pretty clear that Alice loves Ali! I can't say what a relief it is to know that she is so content with her babysitter. And Ali is so great with Alice! With all the stress that the season brings, it's just incredibly nice to know that Alice will be well entertained when we can't be with her.
Other than that, Alice is up to her usual tricks. She has developed a real obsession with hats (baseball, winter, you name it - she'll put it on!). Her favorite is her Dad's Trinity lacrosse hat that is much too big even for me (that's not saying much) so Alice prefers to wear it backwards.
Her eating is a constant source of frustration as she is very unadventurous about trying new things. She likes a few things and really never varies her diet. I think it's incredibly boring, but at least there are a few items that we know she'll eat. Yesterday, she surprised us and enjoyed dipping a nacho into salsa and licking the salsa off of it. So many we won't be stuck in this rut forever...let's hope!
Alice has been to the doctor a fair amount over the last couple of weeks. She's had a lingering cough that we had the doctor look at. After some medication it seemed to come right back so she's on something a bit stronger now (just started it yesterday) and we are hoping that does the trick. We'll keep you posted.
Other than that, she's doing great. She has recently become the best hugger that I know, which is pretty awesome. She gives me a great hug before I leave her at daycare and then I get a barrage of hugs after bath time when we are getting our PJs on. Best part of my day.
These last two photos were from this morning! Alice is sporting a new hoodie!
Hope everyone has a good week!