Everything was going great until we landed in Baltimore. Alice was pretty sick of sitting at that point and very tired as she had skipped her nap that day. While waiting for our checked bag, she refused to be in the stroller anymore so I let her get out. Big mistake - seconds later she was on the floor crying, after having tripped and hit her head. This was a pretty bad fall so it took several LONG minutes before she recovered.
It wasn't until Alice and I went over to a quiet corner to fully recover from her fall, when I realized that I didn't have my phone on me. I had left it on the plane! I couldn't believe it. I was panicking. Well, we waited for about 20 minutes to find out that we were out of luck, they couldn't find the phone. We finally collected our bag and headed to the shuttle for the rental car - another thing I was dreading to do with Alice!

Once we were outside, waiting for the shuttle to the rental car, things started to turn around. Alice and I went walking up and down the sidewalk, which seemed to keep her very happy. Once at the rental car facility, it was a quick pick up, they had a good, clean car seat that was easy to install. I was still a little panicked about not having a phone but I had directions and thankfully they were good directions! We got to Leah's a little after 6:30pm. We were more than excited to have made it! Leah was relieved too, as she was starting to panic having not heard from us since we were about to take off!
It was great to finally meet Judah! He is such a sweet, happy, easy going baby. Alice seemed like a giant around him. She definitely gave Leah and Brian a healthy dose of toddler hood, which I'm sure made them appreciate the quiet time that they have with Judah now!
Alice loved the dogs. Dustin and Parker were both very tolerant of her petting, grabbing and walking on. At first she would tell them "No" (I think this was carry over from winter break when she learned to say "no" to dogs at meal time), but, she really warmed up to them and by the end of the weekend she kept saying, "Hi, Doggies!" every time she saw them. It was pretty cute.
We had a wonderful time on Sunday at the Building Museum. It was this terrific open space for kids to run around. There were neat little work stations where Alice played. We started out in the lego section and then found these awesome soft blocks that she LOVED walking on. It was the highlight for her for sure. I had so much fun watching her play. She could not have been more excited walking on the blocks and then falling off of them into my arms. It was a great way to cap off the trip.

And the trip home was smooth! YAY! Alice was terrific and Dad met us at the gate which made her(and me) very happy!