I was reminded of this at lunchtime today. I went to feed her at daycare and my heart melted when I entered the room and she was sitting like a big girl at the table with all the older boys, eating her puffs. No high chair for this growing girl! But, the highlight of the meal was 2/3rds of the way through lunch, when she became quite fussy. I thought she was just tired so I stopped trying to feed her yogurt. Well, apparently, she was just annoyed at me trying to feed her. As soon as I dropped the spoon, she picked it up and started to feed herself! She had obviously been watching the big boys and felt that she could do just as much as they could. From then on, she had a white knuckle grip of the spoon and was annoyed even when I tried to tilt her yogurt so that it was easier to spoon out! Watch out...this girl knows what she wants! And right now, she wants to be a big girl, which is pretty cool. Loving her independence!
Here are some pictures of our recent trip to Maine. We had such a great time with the Perines and the Ryans. It was so disappointing not to have the Quinns join us. Poor Isabel just couldn't kick her fever. We are hoping for a complete gathering next summer! The highlight of the weekend for the adults was the lobster (except for Karen and Reeves who enjoyed grill food instead!). But the highlight for the little girls was the whale pool! It received tons of action all weekend (even by a raccoon on the last night!).