We had a very eventful weekend! Alice officially crawled on Friday night, moving forward several steps to reach the wood floor. It was VERY exciting as we had observed her attempting to crawl all week, but only achieving a backwards move to a sitting position. We wondered whether she would remember how she put her crawl moves together the next day, but she had no problem picking up where she left off. She is now on the move and quite difficult to keep up with. Check out the clip below!
We enjoyed a great Easter weekend with Chris and Sue. They were on Alice duty while I had my game and Reeves had his tennis match. It was a gorgeous day and Alice loved being outside in the BOB and playing with her taggies blanket. She was quite a trooper! I forgot my camera in the office all weekend so I have no pictures from easter but the easter bunny did visit (thanks to grandma sue)and Alice loved the easter egg she received!

Here are a few pictures from today. She is wearing an outfit courtesy of the Irvines (Caite is a junior on the lax team). She is so stylish - those are tapered jeans!!
Much Love to all!